Store with history
Sintra Bazar is a family business founded in 1910, which sells from the oldest to the most modern Portuguese handicrafts.
The family mission. now in its third generation, it has always been to promote and cultivate the Portuguese heritage, selecting and selling the best traditional items. At Sintra Bazar, you can count on a sales team dedicated to helping you bring home the best souvenir.
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History of our Products

The most beautiful hand embroidery in the world. The first attempt, which was crowned with success, was due to Miss Phelps, an Englishwoman who in 1850 took the pampering…
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Portuguese ceramics has its deepest roots in megalithic cultures. Our pottery has traces of Roman, Arab, Visigoth and Celtic ancestors. At first…
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Bordados de Viana Loja com história O bordado de Viana teve a sua origem nos antigos trajes das camponesas da região. Originalmente elaborado em linho e bordado com fio de tecido do…
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