Store with history
The most beautiful hand embroidery in the world.
The first attempt, crowned with success, is due to Miss Phelps, an English woman who in 1850 took the Island's pampering to Victorian England as a cultural and artistic message. The embroidery, which came out of the calloused hands of the peasant women of Madeira, circulated in English high society and later, as a rich and elaborate work, made its mark all over the world.
It is impossible to confuse Madeira embroidery with any other form of embroidery. Naturally it suffered influences from English, Renaissance, Venetian and Richelieu embroidery, but it acquired its own identity and maintains its own design and exceptional delicacy until today.
Praça da República 37, 2710-616
Sintra, Portugal
Phone: +351 219 248 245
Monday - Sunday 10:00am - 19:00pm